Unemployment in Berlin


When you have a look at german unemployment statistics the capital Berlin is well over the federal average. In July 2009 unemployment rose to a rate of 14.2 percent compared to the federal average of 8.2 percent. Altogether now nearly 240,000 persons are officially registered as unemployed in Berlin and over 80 percent of them are reliant on Hartz IV payments from the government. The number of the unemployed persons between the ages of 15 and 25 has also risen to 26,646. All together approximately 600,000 people in Berlin are dependent on Hartz IV welfare relief. Single parent families constitute the largest group of the poor. About half of all poor children grow up in single parent families.

This is particularly due to the large low wage sector in Berlin. Despite working single parents are unable to earn enough to provide for their children. More than 100,000 Berlin citizens receive welfare assistance and are considered to be part of the “working poor”. There are an additional 35,000 employed in Berlin in so-called one-euro-per hour-jobs.

As you can see in the graphic above, the unemployment rate decreased in the last years, but it is still one of the highest in Germany. Therefore especially in Berlin, the political activities against unemployment should be continued.






7 thoughts on “Unemployment in Berlin

  1. I think that Berlin, like any big city, has to fight especially with the unemployment problem. But the real problem in this article, in my opinion, consist of the 1 € jobs. Actually, the idea behind it was getting long term unemployed back to lead at the first labor market approach. This should be realised by those 1 Euro Jobs that should just consist of activities that would not have been done anyway. But the fact is that the 1 euro jobs prostheses regular jobs and in addition the longtime unemployment are no longer counted as unemployed and no longer appear in the statistics. The result is a flattering statistics and in reality even less real free workingplaces exist.

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